Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Upcoming Public Auction
Of Cedar Cabin Restaurant Property in Ashton IA and
Restaurant Equipment
Monday Dec. 1, 2014 @ 11:00 A.M.
Auction Will Be Held Indoors!!
Location: 835 Johannes St. Ashton IA or from Sheldon IA on Hwy 60 go 9 miles North to 230th St. then go a 1/8 mile West on 230th St.
Auctioneers Note: Offered at Public Auction will be this fabulous Property! If you are looking for an awesome spot to build a new structure—or utilize the current Building near this scenic pond near Ashton Iowa. Make plans today to attend the open house to view the property. Also on this auction will be the Restaurant equipment and items from the Cedar Cabin Restaurant
Real estate Will sell at 11:00 A.M. and equipment immediately following!!
“Your Real Estate Specialists”
Legal Description: .A tract of land in the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 15, Twp 98N, Range 42W of the 5th P.M. beginning at a point 33’ W and South 89 degrees 5’/33 Feet of the NE corner of said Section 15; thence west 224.32 feet; thence south 17 degrees 19’ west 95.92 feet’ thence east 251.4 feet; thence north 0 degrees 55’ east 91.58 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.5 acres, more or less. Bearing of the north line of the NE ¼ of Section 15 is taken due west, and the said premise is commonly known as Cedar Cabin, Osceola County, Iowa. and the N 602.21 ft of the following described premises-A tract of land located in the NE ¼ of Section 15, Twp 98N, Range 42W of the 5th P.M. Osceola County, Iowa described as commencing at the NE corner of the NE ¼ of Said Section 15, thence W 33’ thence S 124/58 ft to the point of beginning thence South 1204.43 ft thence W 640.19 ft thence N 16 degrees 21.5 ft east 1261.92 ft thence E 251.42 ft to the point of beginning. Subject to public roads and highway and any easements of record. Note—2 double garages on the property are not included and will be removed by June 15, 2015.
General Description: This property consists of a Restaurant facility with approx 5212 square feet in the perfect setting –right beside a scenic pond on the edge of Ashton Iowa. This property consists of a building which consists of a 25 x 27 kitchen area and also a 60 x 54 dining area which seats approx. 200 people. There is also a 20 x 30 stage and a 17 x 50 front lobby area. The restaurant includes 3 bathrooms and has a partial unfinished basement. The building includes 3 forced air furnaces and 3 central a/c units. The exterior of the building is Masonite siding and asphalt shingles. This setting would also make a great location for a new structure of many types near the beautiful scenic pond. The septic system was new in 2010,seller will have system inspected prior to closing and insure system is up to current Iowa code. Make plans today to attend the Open house and explore your opportunities!!
Taxes: The current Real Estate Taxes according to the Osceola County Treasurer are $2198.00 per year. Taxes will be prorated by seller to date of closing.
Open house will be held on November 17, 2014 from 1:00 P.M. to 3::00 P.M. or by appointment by contacting one of the agents listed below
Possession: Possession will be closing day Dec. 30, 2014
Terms: The buyer(s) will agree to enter into purchase agreement with these terms 25% of the purchase price in a non–refundable down payment will be due immediately following the auction with balance due on closing day on or before Dec. 30, 2014. This property is being sold as a cash sale with no finance contingencies. Full payment will be due and payable on closing day when clear and merchantable title will be given to the buyer(s). This property is being sold as is where is with all defects and no warranties expressed or implied. Although all information is deemed reliable all buyer(s) are encouraged to inspect the property and verify any information. This property is sold subject to all applicable current zoning regulations and Laws. For permitted uses contact city of Ashton Iowa. The Sale is subject to the confirmation of the sellers. Auctioneers and Agents are representing the sellers in this transaction. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertising.
Restaurant equipment: Jackson AF-30 Faspray 110v auto dishwasher system w/153”L x 27.5”W side table: Classic stainless refrigerator-58” x 34”: Kelvinator cooler: Ice O Matic Model ICE 0400HA2 ice machine: French Fry warmer: Island Oasis crushed ice machine nice: Toastmaster bread warmer: Pitco fryer on wheels: Hobart comm. Mixer: (2)Frymaster gas fryers: Broaster Model 1300 elec. broaster: Blodgett gas 4 dr pizza oven: Coronado freezer-white: Frost Queen apartment size refrigerator: Master Bilt -9 x 11 x 6.5H-walk in cooler: Master Bilt 7.5 x 11 x 6.5H walk in freezer: LaCrosse 3 sink stainless sink: GE Refrigerator: Star Metal 3 pan buffet server: Wulf gas extra single burner: 3 tub stainless sink-26.5”w x 57L: Ansul R102 -12’ x 2.5’ Wet Chemical fire suppression system: (2)Hobart meat slicers: : (2) Georgia Pacific paper towel holders: (3) toilet paper dispensers: inside security motion detector(for police notification)
Restaurant items: (3) microwaves: (2) 4 slice toasters: several size stainless mixing bowls: salad dressing servers: (4) 24 x 16 sheet pans: (2) 20 x 18 sheet pans: various size kettles including 8 x 12, 9 x 10, 14 x 16, 10 x 12 etc: small popcorn maker: presto salad shooter: Black & Decker food steamer: food processor: plastic tubs: grill scrapers: kitchen utensils: crock pots: strainers: (9) 18 qt roaster ovens: Easy breader chicken breader: Rival buffet server: wood cutting boards: veg. slicer: vacuum pack machine: scales: coffee servers: misc. waitress trays: 20 napkin holders: salt & peppers: sugar dispensers: bread baskets: vinegar bottles: : relish trays: approx. 250 dinner and salad plates: approx. 160 cups: several size glasses: wine, brandy, seltzer, cocktail, beer glasses: lots of silverware: wood salad bowls: gravy boats: guest checks: approx. 123 red leather stack able chairs: approx. 45 wood chairs: approx. 30-3’ x 3’ tables: approx. 12 30” x 30” tables: (2) wood high chairs: misc. 6 & 8’ banquet tables: misc. to go boxes: punch bowl: (3) garbage cans: Rubbermaid & GE coolers: (3) Cambro drink coolers: several 25-30 cup coffee makers: many misc. items
Prep tables, Shelving & carts: 6’ x 30” stainless prep table: 30.5”x 70.5” prep table w/butcher block: several 18” x 47” steel shelving units: 26 x 23 cart: 20 shelf tray cart: stainless cart: 10 shelf cart: 6’ x 46” prep table: misc. items
Piano & misc items: Wurlitzer piano: Hunter Business machine sound system –includes amp w/speakers, w/Marlboro sound blender-cassette attachment: Hammond organ: misc. Christmas décor & tree: end tables: misc. occasional chairs: Casio cash register: Sharp cash register: digital sign: office items: oscillating fan: misc. hand tools: Miller High Life clock: Superior tap beer cooler: misc. items:
Terms for personal property: cash or good cashable check. Credit cards also accepted. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. Zomer Clerking
Tom Cutsinger–owner
Auctioneers and Re Brokers
Mark Zomer-712-470-2526
Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428
Corey Elgersma-agent-712-348-1770