Zomer Company

Serving IA, SD, NE & MN            712.476.9443     info@zomercompany.com

Zomer Company
  • Sold
Tract 1 sold for $15,300.00 per acre, Tract 2 sold for $8600.00 per acre, Tract 3 sold for $8100.00 per acre, and Tract 4 sold for $90,000.00. Thanks to the buyers and the over 300 people that attended!!!!

Nov. 18, 2014--10:00 A.M--Day 1, 4 Tracts were sold of the Martin Maurer Farm Trust-443.7 total Acres

  • Live Auction
Open House:
for acreage site will be Saturday Oct. 25 from 1:30 PM to 3:00 P.M.–to view pastures and farmland contact auctioneers
Auction Date:   November 18, 2014 - 10:00 am
Lester, IA, USA
  • Lester
  • Lyon County
  • IA

The Maurer Family farmland will be sold in 2 days Nov 18 and Nov 19 as follows:

Day 1-Nov. 18==4  separate tracts

Location: by Lester IA

Click on link below to view video


Tract 1–78.68 Acres in Section 6

Tract 2–205.02 Acres in Section 6

Tract 3–160 Acres in Section 25

Tract 4–5.61 Acre acreage site–Section 6

Public Auction of 449.31+/- Acres for the Martin Maurer Farm Trust Excellent Lyon County, IA.

Farmland/Pastureland and 5.61 Acre Acreage Site with Grain bins located near Lester, IA  

to be sold in 4 separate Tracts—SIGNS WILL BE POSTED!!!

Day 1 -Lester Acreage Location: 2349 IA Hwy 9 Lester IA or from Keiths Corner Conv. Store go approx. ¾ mile East on Hwy 9

Day 1–November 18 -2014 @10AM-Lester IA Properties

Lester Area Properties will be sold at Acreage site Just East of Lester on Hwy 9

“Your Farmland Specialists”


Auctioneers Note: We are honored to conduct this outstanding auction of NW Iowa farmland and acreage sites for the Martin Maurer Farm Trust and Peoples Bank Trust Department as Trustee. We will be conducting a 2 Day Auction on Nov. 18 & 19 2014. If you are looking for land in NW Iowa, this is the opportunity which has never been offered before to the public and provides a once in a lifetime opportunity! These properties have a very unique legacy and are a great piece of History and have been sought after for years. If you are a farmer, investor, cow/calf operator or someone who has always wanted to own some Iowa farmland or pasture– Don’t let this opportunity pass you by!

Legal Description of Tract 1: Parcel C in the Fractional NE ¼ of Section 6, Twp 99N, Range 46W of the 5th P.M.-Lyon County, IA. subject to public roads and easements of record.

General Description of Tract 1: This 78.68 acre tract of farmland contains 76.55 tillable acres according to survey with the balance in road and ditch. The predominant soil types include: 410B, 410C2—Moody, 910B-Trent, 608C2-Dempster and 430-Ackmore. This farm has an average CSR rating of 69.8(CSR2) and 58.1(CSR1). This tract has a combined corn and soybean base with tract 2. The topography of this farm is nearly level. The farm has been well managed and is in a good state of productivity. This farm is classified as hel This is an outstanding tract with excellent soils and a prime tract of Lyon County Farmland. This tract lies along Hwy 9 just east of Lester, IA.

Legal Description of Tract 2: Parcel D in the Fractional W ½ in Section 6, Twp. 99, Range 46W of the 5th P.M. and in the Fractional NE ¼ of Section 1, Twp. 99N, Range 46W of the 5th P.M.-Lyon County, IA. Subject to public roads and easements of record.

General Description of Tract 2: This 205.02 acre tract of farmland and pasture contains 129.41 tillable acres and approx. 58.08 acres of pasture with the balance in road and ditch creek and terraces. This property has been surveyed-contact auctioneer for boundary info. The predominant soil types on the tillable acres include: 410B, 410B2, 410C2, T410B, T410-Moody, 133-Colo, 608C2, 808B-Dempster, 910B-Trent,and 430-Ackmore. This farm has an average CSR rating of 65.1(CSR2) and 58.8(CSR1). This tract has a combined corn and soybean base with tract 1. This farm has some push up terraces. The farm has been well managed and is in a good state of productivity. The farm has some tile. This farm is classified as hel and has a conservation plan in effect. This farm could have potential for more tillable acres if desired. Access to Tract 2 from Hwy 9 will be shared with driveway of acreage site. Make plans today to attend this auction! Here is your opportunity to own this tract of farmland to add to your current operation. This property is in an excellent location—located adjacent to Hwy 9 just south of Lester, IA.

Legal Description of Tract 3: The NE ¼ of Section 25, Twp 100N, Range 47W of the 5th P.M. Lyon County, IA. Subject to public roads and easements of record. This farm is located approx. 1 mile north of Lester, IA on Blktop K-30/Dove Ave on the west side of the road.

General Description of Tract 3: This tract of farmland contains 160 gross acres with 92.87 tillable acres and 64.59 acres of pasture with the balance in road and ditch and creek. The predominant soil types on the tillable acres include: 733-Calco, T410, 410, 410B, 890B-Moody, 411B2,411C2-Egan, 486-Davis, 541C-Estherville, 910-Trent, 31-Afton, 608C2, 608B-Dempster, 92-Marcus and 26B-Kennebec. This farm has an average CSR rating of 72.1(CSR2) and 61.3(CSR1 on tillable acres). This farm has a corn base of 90.70 with a direct and cc yield of 92 bu and a soybean base of 3.50 acres with a direct and cc yield of 37 bu. The topography of this farm is gently rolling. The farm has been well managed and is in a good state of productivity. The farm has been tiled in the 90’s along the waterway. This farm is classified as non-hel. This farm is a great combination of excellent pasture and tillable farmland.

Legal Description of Tract 4: Parcel B in the Fractional N ½ of Section 6, Twp. 99N, Range 46W of the 5th P.M. Lyon County, IA. Subject to public roads and easements of record.

General Description of Tract 4: This fabulous 5.61 acreage site includes a 1089 sq ft 1 story home in a great location just on the outskirts of Lester, IA. The homes main floor includes a kitchen, dining and living room. The main floor also includes 2 bedrooms and full bath and laundry. This home also has a full basement with family room and mechanical room. The home has asphalt shingles and aluminum siding. The home has a forced air Gibson propane furnace and window a/c. This property is on Lyon Sioux Rural Water. The outbuildings include a 34 x 64 historical barn and 4 grain bins- 1 is a dryer bin. The acreage includes 2 cattle yards- (fence line feed bunks belong to tenant). This acreage also contains many established trees-making a great park like setting. The acreage also includes many established Evergreen trees-making a great windbreak to the West. The north end of driveway will be a shared access to tract 2 lying west of acreage site. Buyer of the acreage will be responsible for any new fencing to the South and West and East sides of acreage if new fence is desired. Buyer of acreage will not receive possession of grain bins until July 15, 2015. If you are looking for an excellent acreage—Here it is!! 2 Propane tanks are rented. This acreage lies just east of Lester, IA. along Hwy 9. Acreage site will be sold as total dollars not per acre.

Open House for acreage site will be Saturday. Oct 25 from 1:30 PM to 3:30PM. or by appointment. To View Pastures and Farmland contact auctioneers.

Taxes: According to the Lyon County Treasurer, the current Real Estate taxes are for Tract 1: $1606.00 per year, Tracts 2 & 4 combined: $4822.00 per year, Tract 3: $3234.00 per year . Seller will pay 2014 taxes payable in Spring & Fall installments of 2015.

Method of sale: Tract one will be sold and remain sold. Tract 2 will be offered and remain sold. Tract 3 will be offered and remain sold. Tract 4 will be offered and remain sold.(Tract 4 will be sold as total dollars -not per acre)

Possession of all farmland & pastureland will be Dec 31, 2014. Possession of Acreage site will be closing day April 10, 2015-except for grain bins.

Terms on all tracts Day 1 are as follows:  Purchaser(s) will be required to pay a non-refundable 15% of the purchase price immediately following the auction and also enter into a purchase agreement with the remaining balance due on closing day April 10, 2015 when the buyer shall receive a clear and merchantable title to the property. The farms and acreage is being sold as is where is as a cash sale with no finance a contingency. Auctioneers make no legal warranty of any kind. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information herein, all prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all the data provided. Any announcements made the day of the auction will supersede any advertisements. Aerial maps, soil maps and auction booklets are available upon request. The land sold subject to the confirmation of the trustee’s and subject to approval of the Lyon County, IA. District Court. If any additional information is requested, please contact the agents listed below. Vande Vegte and Zomer Realty and Auction Inc. are agents for the sellers.

Martin Maurer Farm Trust—owners

Peoples Bank Trust Department

 of Rock Valley, IA.  –trustees

James Haberkorn-Attorney for sellers

Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers: 

Mark Zomer-712-470-2526*

Darrell Vande Vegte 712-726 3428*

Gary Van Den Berg-sales 712-470-2068*

Joel Westra-605-310-6941*

Pete Atkins-650-351-9847*

Joel Westra-650-957-5222*

Roof Type: asphalt
Siding Type: 1 story home
Furnace Type: Gibson propane furnace
A/C: window unit
Master Bedroom: 8.11 x 13.1
Bedroom #2: 8.9 x 13.1
Main Floor Bathroom: 6.7 x 9.2 w/tub and shower
Kitchen: 12.3 x 12.7 w/6.8 x 9 side kitchen
Dining Room: in kitchen
Living Room: 13.8 x 15.6
Laundry / Utility: main–9.5 x 9.7
Family Room: 12.11 x 27.11 down
Basement Includes: full basement

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Don Krommendyk
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent