Zomer Company

Serving IA, SD, NE & MN            712.476.9443     info@zomercompany.com

Zomer Company
  • Sold
This Farm sold for $6900.00 per acre. Thanks to all the bidders!!

November 17, 2014 Approx 60.11 acres of Sioux Valley Twp, Union County South Dakota Farmland At Auction

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   November 17, 2014 - 10:00 am
  • Union County
  • SD

Union County, SD Land Auction
60.11 +/- Acres Sioux Valley Township
Monday November 17th, 2014 10:00 AM

We will sell the following real estate at public auction at the landsite located from the Alcester, SD Steak House- 2 miles east on County Rd 13 (302nd St), 7 miles south on County Rd 27 (481st Ave), 1 mile east on 309th St and ½ mile south on 482nd Ave.

Land buyers – If you are looking to add to your operation here is an opportunity to buy good, productive land close to the Iowa/South Dakota border! The land is currently in a corn/soybean rotation and is available to the new owner for the 2015 crop year. According to the FSA there are 56.23 acres of cropland with a 30 acre corn base, 87 bushel direct and CC yield and a 26.2 acre soybean base with a 29 bushel direct and CC yield. The land is classified as HEL and a conservation system is being actively applied. Predominate soils include: Alcester silt loam, 2-6 percent slopes; Crofton-Nora complex, 6-11 percent slopes, eroded; Crofton silt loam 12-20 percent slopes, eroded. County soil rating of .618 and according to Surety/AgriData the land has a productivity rating of 54.1. Taxes: $1,001.46. Don’t miss this auction!

Legal Description: Lot 2 SW ¼ 6-93-48 Union County, SD

TERMS: 10% nonrefundable down payment day of sale with the balance due at closing on or before December 19th, 2014 with possession January 2, 2015. Title insurance and closing costs split 50/50 between buyer and seller. 2014 taxes due in 2015 to be paid by the seller. 2015 taxes due in 2016 to be paid by the buyer. The acres in this property are based on acres stated in the county tax records with acres to be understood to be “more or less”. The sellers do not warranty or guarantee that the existing fences lie on the true and correct boundary and new fencing, if any, will be the responsibility of the purchaser pursuant to SD statutes. The new owner will be required to comply with the HEL conservation plan. The property is sold in as is condition and as a cash sale with no financing contingency. Sold subject to existing easements, restrictions, reservations, or highway of record, if any. Information is deemed to be correct but it is not guaranteed. All prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all data provided. Statements made the day of sale take precedence over all written advertising. Real Estate licensees are agents for the seller. Sold subject to confirmation of owner.

Henry Willms Family Trust, Owner

Renita Charrlin and Ronda K. Milner, Co-Trustees
Charles Haugland, Closing Attorney

Joel R Westra, Broker, Beresford, SD 605-310-6941
Pete Atkins, Broker Associate, Tea, SD 605-351-984
Joel A Westra, Broker Associate, Chancellor, SD 605-957-5222
Phil Eggers, Broker Associate, Renner, SD 605-351-5438
Mark Zomer, Vande Vegte Zomer Auctions, Rock Valley, IA 712-470-2526

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Gary Van Den Berg
  • Real Estate Agent
Gerad Gradert
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Ivan Huenink
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent