Zomer Company

Serving IA, SD, NE & MN            712.476.9443     info@zomercompany.com

Zomer Company
  • Sold
SOLD FOR $6500.00 PER ACRE This Farm Was Approx 70 tillable acres and the Balance in Pasture Thanks To the Large crowd that attended!

September 16-117.85+/-- Acres of Lyon Twp, Lyon County, IA Farmland and Pasture--Rob and Michelle Hage -owners-

  • Live Auction
Open House:
Wednesday August 20 from 5:30 to 7:00 PM
Auction Date:   September 16, 2014 - 10:00 am
  • Inwood
  • Lyon County
  • IA
Lot Size:

Upcoming Public Auction

Of 117.85+/– Acres of Lyon Twp, Lyon County, IA Farmland

Tuesday September 16, 2014

Sale time: 10:30 A.M.

Location: from Lil Chubs in Inwood, IA. go 1 mile West on Hwy 18 to Cherry Ave. then go 2 miles North on Cherry Ave. to 220th St. then go 1 mile West –Land is located at the intersection of 220th St./Buchanan Ave. on the West side of Buchanan Ave.

Auction Signs will be posted! Auction held at site of land


Auctioneers note: We are honored to conduct this auction for Rob & Michelle Hage. This farm has been well maintained and consists of tillable farmland and some grassland. The tillable has been well maintained and has several feet of tile installed. Make plans today to add this farm to your current operation. Make plans today to attend!

Abbreviated Legal Description: The SE ¼ EXCEPT Parcel B and EXCEPT Parcel D, Section 2, Twp 98N, Range 48W of the 5th P.M. Lyon County, IA.(Note-This property does not include the acreage sites. This property will be surveyed prior to the auction and will be sold based on surveyed acres.

General Description: This outstanding tract contains approx. 117.85+/– gross acres. The farm contains approximately 70.92 tillable acres with the balance in 8.2 acres of CRP until 9/30/2016 with an annual payment of $1051.00 per year, and the remaining balance of approx 38 acres in grassland, road and ditch. The farm has a corn base of 46.90 with a direct and cc yield of 92 and a soybean base of 5.90 with a direct yield and cc yield of 37. The predominant soil types are 430-Ackmore, 401D2, 401C2-Crofton, 410B2, 410C2, 410B-Moody, 26B-Kennebec, 33F, 33E, 33G-Steinauer and 27B-Terril. The CSR rating on the farm is approx 53 CSR2. Seller is selling the property subject to a covenant running with the land that prohibits buyer from building any type of livestock facility or the stockpiling of manure on the Southeast quarter of the SE ¼ (South 40 acres South of the sellers acreage site)  Dry and liquid manure can be applied to entire farm if buyer so desires. This farm appears to be well managed and in a good state of productivity. If you are looking for an excellent tract of farmland or some pastureland–you will want to attend this auction. The seller will retain one housing eligibilities besides their current acreage site.

Open House to view the property: Open house will be held on Wednesday August 20, 2014 from 5:30 to 7:00 P.M. or by appointment by contacting one of the agents listed below.

Taxes: According to the Lyon County treasurer, the current Real Estate taxes are approximately $1412.00 per year. Seller will pay the 2014 taxes payable in Spring and Fall installments of 2015.

Method of sale: The farmland will be offered as one unit. Bid x surveyed acres.

Possession: Buyer will be granted possession when current harvest is completed.

Terms:  Purchaser(s) will be required to pay a non-refundable 15% of the purchase price immediately following the auction and also enter into a purchase agreement with the remaining balance due on closing day November 18, 2014 when the buyer shall receive a clear and merchantable title to the property. The farm is being sold as is where is as a cash sale with no finance contingency. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information herein, all prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all the data provided. Any announcements made the day of the auction will supersede any advertisements. Aerial maps, soil maps and auction booklets are available upon request. The land sold subject to the confirmation of the sellers. If any additional information is requested, please contact the agents listed below. Vande Vegte and Zomer Realty and Auction Inc. are agents for the sellers. Paul Kippley – Attorney for the sellers.

Rob and Michelle Hage–owners

Auctioneers and RE Brokers

Mark Zomer-712-470-2526

Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428

Gary Van Den Berg-712-470-2068

Joel Westra-605-310-6941

Pete Atkins-605-351-9847

Joel Westra Jr.-605-957-5222

Lot Size: 118+/––

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Don Krommendyk
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent