Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
We will be running 2 rings
Upcoming Evening Auction
Of 1990 Cadillac, 1990 Ford Pickup, Horse items, Golf Cart,
Scooter, Tools, Household items
Friday October 18, 2013
Sale time: 5:00 P.M.
Location: 2172 Garfield Ave. Doon IA
Bizzy Beez Lunch
Auctioneers Note: We appreciate the opportunity to conduct this auction for Al and Delores. As Al and Delores are moving to Louisiana, they will be offering at Public Auction the following items. Make plans today to attend!
Horse Items: double trees: misc wagon tongues: runners for bob sled: single/double horse cart: 2 seat double/single wood sleigh: 3 seat homemade horse cart w/running hear: misc. items:
Farm & livestock equipment: flatbed w/gear: 1100 gal. water tank: barge wagon w/JD gear: cattle tank: steel posts: electric fence posts: electric fence supplies & rope: (3) plastic water tanks: livestock feeder: round bale feeder: misc. items;
Car, Pickup, Trailer: 1990 Cadillac w/5.7L eng. V-8-leather interior, 175,000 miles-blue-sharp: 1990 Ford F-150 4wd, V-8, regular cab: 11 ft 5th Wheel gooseneck flatbed tandem axle trailer w/mounted pickup camper:
Golf Cart and scooter: Yamaha gas golf cart: Shoprider scooter-newer-barely used:
Collectible items: Howard Miller grandfather clock: (3) runner sleds: Kerosene stove: cream cans: scythe: bucksaw: wood ammo box: misc. coaster wagons: lots of misc. horse pics, lamp, figurines & memorabilia: misc. items:
Tools: Coleman air compressor-40psi: Black & Decker jigsaw: gas cans: lots of misc. hand tools including visegrips, pipe wrenches, bolt cutters etc.: ½” impact wrench: Stihl chainsaw: Black & Decker saw: come along 12v Black and Decker cordless drill: skil saw: hatchets: pitchforks: grease guns: post hole digger: steel posts: sockets: work bench: wheel barrow: misc. chain link dog kennel fences: 24’ alum. Ext. ladder: rims/tires: Tanaka weed eater-newer: live trap: doghouse: misc. items:
Household items: Maytag washer: GE dryer: Roper stove: GE fridge-gold: Sharp microwave: International chest freezer: table w/4 roller chairs: bird cage: computer desk: misc. kitchen items: rollaway bed: 3 pc bedroom set w/full size bed frame/dresser/nighstand: misc. lamps: Magnavox TV: misc. items:
Terms: cash or good cashable check. Credit cards also accepted. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Zomer Clerking
Al Van Hattem and Delores Hughes—owners
Auctioneers and RE Brokers
Mark Zomer-712-470-2526
Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428