Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Upcoming Farm Retirement Auction
Of A 2007 JD 8530, 2005 JD 7920, 2007 JD 6603, D-15 Allis, 2001 AGCO R 62 Gleaner Combine, 2002 AGCO 830 corn head, 2005 AGCO Series 8000 20’ bean head, Transport Carts, Kinze 640 Grain cart, 1999 Freightliner Semi Tractor, 2008 Jet Company 42’ Grain Trailer, 2011 JD 2310 Mulch Finisher, 2010 Sunflower 1435 disk, Blu Jet Subtiller, 2006 Top Air 1200 gal Sprayer, Tools, 2012 JD X320 Lawn Mower, Enclosed 5 x 10 Service Trailer and More!!
July 17, 2018 @ 10:00 A.M.
Location: 2454 480th St., Ireton, IA 51027. From Agrivision Equipment at the intersection of HWY 10 & BLK Top K-30 go 3 miles South to 480th St. then go 1/2 Mile East on 480th ST. Auction Site is located on the North side of 480th St
See for more information!!!
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Auctioneers Note: As Loren and Carolyn have retired from farming and are relocating to Des Moines, IA. They are offering at live public auction an Extremely nice line of Equipment!!!. 90% of this equipment was purchased new by Loren & Carolyn. We cannot emphasize enough how meticulous of a caretaker Loren was with his machinery —Everything is in field ready condition. Make plans today to attend!! Not many small items so plan to be on time!! Online bidding is available on the major items at
Tractors/Loader Attachments: 2007 JD 8530 Tractor-2nd owner—SN: RW8530DO17853, IVT Trans, ILS front susp, MFWD, 2823 eng hrs, 9.0L 275 hp eng, Firestone 480/80 R50 rear duals-90%, firestone 420/85 R34 front duals-90%, 4 remotes, power beyond, HID lights, extended rear fenders, buddy seat, quick hitch, green star ready, 22-47KG front weights, 2-635KG, 4-205KG, 2-75KG rear weights: 2005 JD 7920 Tractor-1 owner –SN#RW7920DO21093, IVT trans, MFWD, 2701 eng hrs, 8.1L 170 hp eng, Firestone 480/80 R46 rear duals-65%, Firestone 380/85 R34 front single tires-65% , 8—-47 kg front weights, 2 —205k g rear weights, quick hitch, 3 remotes, dual speed pto housing attachment(540): 2007 JD 6603 Tractor—1 owner, SN#PO6603X004816, top shaft synchronizer TSS trans, MFWD, 819 eng hrs, 6.8L 95 hp eng, cab/air/heat/radio, Firestone 18.4-38 rear rubber-80%, Firestone 14.9-24 front rubber-80%, 4—55kg rear weights, 2 remotes, 3 pt, foot throttle, sold w/JD 542 loader, joystick, 7’ bucket: Loader Attach: Frontier pallet forks for JD 542 loader: home made work platform w/JD brackets will fit 542 loader: 1963 D15 Allis Chalmers tractor—SN# 13251, gas, unknown hrs, 14.9 x 28 rear tires, 6.00 x 16 front tires, after market 3 pt, runs good:
Truck/grain trailer: 1999 Freightliner Semi Tractor—VIN#1FUYSSEB9XLA35496, Century Class 120, day cab, Detroit 60 Series 12.7L eng., Eaton Auto shift transmission, 275/80 R22.5 tires, 70/130 fuel tanks—505,650 miles, red-nice: 2008 Jet Company 42’ aluminum Grain trailer VIN#5JNGA42288H001121, 66”sides, 11×24.5 steel wheels, spring ride, rounded hoppers, load assist easy open traps, manual tarp: 1971 Fruehauf dry van truck trailer VIN#MAM289303, 24 ft, single axle, 10.00 x 20 tires, roll up door, w/2-1600 gallon poly water tanks, 2 chemical inductor cones, w/5.5 hp gas trans pump w/hose:
Combine: 2001 AGCO R62 Gleaner combine —1 owner—SN#HK62223 w/Cummins 8.3L QSC eng, 2312 eng. hrs, 1482 separator hrs, Titan 30.5 x 32 front tires, 16.9 x 24 rear tires, chrome bars, chopper, lateral tilt, variable speed feeder house, hyd spreader, super sharp:
Combine Heads/Head Carts: 2002 AGCO 830 Hugger 8rw30” corn head-1 Owner, SN#830-HK27304, poly dividers, electric adjustable deck plates: 2005 AGCO Series 8000 20ft flex bean header –1 Owner, SN#20FRHN84533 poly skid, SCH sickle, electric fore-aft: Harvest Hand 30’ header transport cart-Tricycle steer: PK 25’ header transport cart-tricycle steer:
Grain Cart/Gravity wagon: Kinze 640 Model AW grain cart SN#2573, 24.5 x 32 tires, large shaft and small shaft 1000 pto included, 14” vertical auger w/poly flight cover: Bradford 225 bu gravity seed wagon w/poly flight auger w/6” x 15’ J & M hyd drive seed auger w/11’ spout, elec controls, tarp w/Demco gear and 11L-15 tires:
Service Cargo trailer: 5’ x 10’ enclosed service cargo trailer w/mounted Winco 25kw pto generator, Lincoln stick welder, storage racks and interior lights:
Farm Machinery: 2011 JD 2310 24’ 9” mulch finisher-1 Owner, SN#1N02310XEA074196, w/spring tine harrow, hyd lift rolling basket, JD quick remove 10” sweeps: 2010 Sunflower 1435 disk 26’ width, w/c flex, 9 inch spacing, spring tine harrow, hyd leveling, front gang gauge wheels, front blades measure 23 3/16”, rear 23.5”, SN#SH350AZ100441X26: Blue Jet Subtiller 4 in line ripper-SN#012371, 3 pt, 5 shank, coulter, shear bolt reset, 30” spacing, fall points: 2006 1200 gallon Top Air Model TA1200 pull type sprayer –SN#B22060119, Titan 380/90 R46 tires, w/80 ft boom adaptable to 90 ft, 4 valve, 20” spacing, triple nozzles, foamer, 450 controller: 2004 7 ft model SQ84T Bush Hog rotary mower SN#12-02647 , 3 pt, offset 540 pto, 2 gearbox: Harvest International Model T1032 truck auger 10” x 32’ w/inline hopper, pto: 16’ Flatbed w/ gear & 1300 gallon poly tank w/ gas transfer pump:
Mower/lawn and garden items: 2012 JD Model X320 lawn mower-1 Owner, 48” deck, 255 hrs, SN#220653: walk behind gas string trimmer: Mantis garden tiller: lawn fertilizer: lawn sprayer: lawn aerator
Tools: Dip Pak 200 amp wire welder w/Argon tank-230v: 2 acetylene tanks w/carts: Echo CS400 gas chain saw: 3 pt 200 gal fence line sprayer: Bierman tractor dual changer: 3 pt pallet fork: 6 hp Karcher gas power washer: : 2 hp Industrial air compressor: kerosene heater: 110 gal poly chemical tank: ladders: assortment of hand/shop tools: 7.0 cu ft chest freezer: 35 gal 4# Roundup and misc chemicals:
Terms: Cash or good cashable check. Credit cards also accepted. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcement made day of auction will supersede any advertising. Auction Company has the right to verify buyer’s credit or request a wire transfer as payment and also request a letter of credit approval prior to the auction. For online bidding terms visit All items sold as is, where is. Zomer Clerking
Loren and Carolyn Simons-Owners
Questions? Call Loren At 712-253-8134
Mark Zomer-712-470-2526 Doug Houlton-712-251-5188
Blake Zomer-712-460-2552 Dustin Houlton-712-389-6862